Modern Logic

It’s been a long road for Logic over the past decade, but all in all, the hard work has paid off. Now that he’s finally living out his dream, what is the ambitious young man up to in his off time?  Well, after releasing a project every year for the past 6 year while also touring, he’s currently taking a sabbatical for some much needed rest. Even with this being said, that doesn’t mean that the man isn’t staying busy.

Music is Logic passion, this has been made clear. Even though he claims that he won’t have any new music being released for the remainder of 2016, he has made it clear that he has been gradually developing his next album for 2017. While still far off in the future, Logic recently announced what the title will be; AfricAryaN. This has generated a tremendous amount of buzz among the hip hop community and Logic fans, but this his new album isn’t all that they have to look forward to.

Logic has showed a passion for cinema over the years in various interviews, often discussing his love for Quentin Tarantino films. He’s also developed a rep for being quite the comedian over social media channels like Snapchat. Naturally, putting 2 and 2 together, Logic has announced that he’s in the process of creating a comedy movie. Similar to Ice Cube and his Friday movies, Logic has already written a script and began shooting in a film which he stars in. The movie will be about a record shop and also include famous SNL comedian Pete Davidson.

So he’s a rapper, a film producer… What else could this man possibly do? How about write a novel? No really, he’s also in the process of writing his own book. While not many detail have been shared about it so far, Logic announced in a recent interview that he has completed roughly 80% of a novel he’s been writing in his spare time. He has announced that this book will be about mental health, and has also shared the first chapter title, “The Beginning of the End.”

So that has to be it right? There is no way that one man could possibly fit anything into his busy life, right? Wrong. The self proclaimed “gaming-nerd” had developed his very own gaming channel on Youtube. The channel itself has almost 500,000 subscribers with 20 videos that Logic has posted in the past 6 months. Here he shares videos of anything from gameplay on various video games, to him goofing around with his friends and family.

I may have a little bit of a bias, but I find it hard to not acknowledge how talented this guy is. Even in his spare time he remains busy with so many other creative projects. To top everything off, he is happily married and the “father” of 2 dogs (which he constantly expresses his overwhelming love for.) It may just be me, but I have to say that I admire a man with the ambition that Logic has.